1890 Great Britain shilling varieties
While Davies' book records no varieties of 1890 shillings (p62, Davies, British Silver Coins Since 1816, 1982), two different reverse varieties have been since been discovered. On the usual coin (Davies 988) the cross pattee is narrower than the orb on which it sits. On the newer reverse the cross pattee is wider than the orb on which it sits and the arms are low enough to almost touch the pearls on the arches. As with many of these varieties, the reason for the change is unknown, though in the case of Jubilee head shillings, it was the fifth and last reverse variety used in seven years.

It is not clear in what proportions the two varieties appear though it would appear that neither coin is rare. An example with the new reverse was sold as part of the Peter Davies collection in 2009 for £75 (https://www.londoncoins.co.uk/?page=Pastresults&auc=124&searchlot=1224&searchtype=2).
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