Fiji Mint Sets 1983-1984
Decimal currency was introduced in Fiji in 1969 but mint sets were not produced each year. In most years that mint sets were produced though, the mint that struck the circulating coinage also struck the coins for mint sets. Although many catalogues say that circulating coins dated 1983 and 1984 were struck, 1983 and 1984 were both mint set only years. Mint sets in 1983 and 1984 were both produced by the Singapore Mint, with 3,000 sets struck in 1983 and 5,000 sets struck in 1984.

The Singapore Mint-struck coins do not bear any mint marks or obvious distinguishing features but they can be distinguished from their circulating counterparts. On the Singapore Mint-struck coins the Queen's hair has shallower incuse lines, the legend lettering is thinner and the tip of the Queen's tiara is closer to the rim. The reverse designs appear to be identical.
Although the mintages of both mint sets were reasonably low, neither set is rare.
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